Tonya Ware
Tonya is a diversified talent who leads outbound sales. She works in tandem with marketing for email programs, CRM management and internal professional development/training. Tonya has been in sales and marketing for 20 years. Her previous experience includes, PSS Industrial Group in Houston where she spent 9 years in sales, marketing and most recently outbound sales manager. She spent 10 years with Neiman Marcus as a processing manager where she was awarded the NM Best Award and Leadership Excellence Award. Tonya was also a Stevie Award Nominee for the American Business Women’s Association.
Her credentials speak for themselves. Tonya however, speaks very loud and is full of energy. You’ll always know when she is in the room. We welcome her positivity and passion to get any job done! Tonya is the quintessential 2-sided Southerner! Love for city lights and more love for the simple country roads in Kerens, TX.
When Tonya is not hustling at the office you can find her enjoying the good life with her husband Brian, her twins Joey and Janie and her baby girl Ava.
Purpose Priorities
God, Family, Friends & Fun
2 Is Better Than 1
She’s a twin and has a set of twins
Par 3
Enjoy a good round of golf and the highest score
Simple Pleasures
Silence, coffee and a good book is my oasis but being at the beach is a close second
It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere
A glass of wine is better than a glass of milk